Isaiah 5:20-21: Woe to those who call evil good and good evil, who put darkness for light and light for darkness, who put bitter for sweet and sweet for bitter! Woe to those who are wise in their own eyes, and shrewd in their own sight!

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The alphabet movement uses the words "tolerance" and "inclusion" as Doublespeak. They tolerate and include nothing but their perverse construct of human sexuality.

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Excellent!! Sarah, your content is always so surreal and most real men and women can relate. I am appalled at what is going on and the fact that the people around the world, allowed such farce to continue.

If these men want to become women, why not skip the hormones and get a pair of scissors and take care of the situation, it should be as easy as having a piercing, right!

Sorry not nice of me! Also simply sew the women up!

Oh no I did it again!

Sorry. That makes as much sense as their ridiculous claims. Of course, I pray no one would ever be so cruel as Bobbit’s wife was..

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You said it very simply, Sarah, "the trans movement is so incongruent with reality". Nuff said!!

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In his new role as CEO of this charity, I wonder if Steph Richards will argue that endometriosis is simply a patriarchal social construct, a symptom of systemic misogyny and transphobia. Moreover, if men are able to have periods, which I understand even some medical professionals and Neil deGrasse Tyson are now claiming, then why can't men also suffer from this condition? Will Steph Richards propose that grants be given from this charity to explore how endometriosis physically affects men? Perhaps men suffer more from this condition than women do. Will he advise men to ask their physicians for physical examinations to see if they are at risk for developing endometriosis? The silliness never ends, but such silliness has the ability to destroy culture. Nonetheless, we have seemingly intelligent people-- functioning in leadership roles--who harbor some kind of curious, civilization-ending death wish. They voluntarily aid and abet this nonsense.

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The world is getting crazier by the minute.

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