Jun 19Liked by Sarah Cain

Since a boy, I loathed Dawkins. He was smug for no good reason and I knew somewhere deep in his black heart he had been hurt bad, so bad that he would spend his entire miserable life trying to convince people they were their own god.

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Jun 19Liked by Sarah Cain

I enjoyed the nostalgia reading about Richard Dawkins, i didnt actually think he was a cultural icon anymore. As a catholic, i resolve atheism as a combination of nihilism and mans pride, for me. The numerous miracles and incorruptible saints are left as signs from Christ that He is still present in our lives and in the catholic church.

As a European American, i appreciate your insight into Britains cultural affairs, ive only heard anecdotally about how the affairs are in Britain, it seems that moral relativism has made the west into a mess, so i enjoy the clarity you provide through a Christian lens.

As an aside, can you do another talk with Fr. Mcteigue, hes kinda a hometown hero for me. ive been listening to him for years and he reminds me of a grumpy grandpa who tells it like it is, but you still love him.....😅 ill keep you in my prayers, God Bless you Sarah.

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Richard Dawkins is far worse than an atheist, he's a transhumanist. He has seen the tide turning in Europe, and the result of the first major attempt to change western civilization into his fantasy eugenics utopia has gone sideways. He, and the people like him probably felt a tremor of massive resistance. However, he will change his tune when he feels the slightest weakness and immediately resume complaining and mocking religion when it becomes fashionable again.

Their compass will move with their square east to west, while they still hope to chart their course. His savior will only ever be his technology, his A.I. god, or himself, and that savior annihilates humanity down to the DNA. Dawkins and his people would have us all eating genetically engineered insects, quadruple vaccines three times a week until we barely look human. He would have us all connected to Neuralink. He would have us bow down to the priests in white coats, whom we would look to for all salvation. He and his kind at the top of the pyramid, while we, the lowly peasants take our genetic place at the bottom to serve the Chosen who have pledged their allegiance to the alteration and ownership of all life by these masters of 'the great reset.'

They will steer the Church if need be, through people like Pope Francis, towards the unimaginable disintegration of tradition and all that is old, all that represents the world that came before, attempting to delete every conceivable vestige of anything that could lead people back to a God that created all life.

Dawkins is clearly taking a baby step backward here... after likely seeing the effects of this new world order chaos wrought by Klaus, Fauci, Macron, Zelinsky, Gates, and others, and as they see, the compass is moving again. His faith is in A.I. as it has always been, and for them, it matters not whether that A.I. surveillance state is 'left' or 'right' as long as they get it. It matters not whether it is the face of Stalin or the Pope, because once they've got it, their 'faith' is the pyramid has been constructed, and their goal will be achieved, and our fate will be sealed. All of us beneath the pyramid will be 'they/them' devoid of any attribute that reminds us of humanity. Transhuman for us is total technological slavery, for them, cybernetic power, and for them looking down on us, it eases their conscience to also no longer look at us as 'human.' They need to dehumanize us not simply to annihilate us, but so they aren't reminded of our humanity in the face of their atrocities.

We could still 'win' so long as we know, people like Dawkins will switch sides or appear to switch sides whenever they feel it's necessary to achieve their goals. Appease/Accuse. Placate/Persecute. Whichever way the wind blows. Meanwhile, the A.I. grows in power, and whatever its last and final face will be, whichever 'side' it appears to on, will be an illusion.

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Dawkins aspires to be a god, among other gods, initially, but a god of the highest order, eventually. I could replace “god” with “aristocrat” and my first sentence would remain true.

Dawkins, and others like him, will only change when they have an equivalent “road to Damascus” moment. You are eise to mistrust any present softening.

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Ifya don't get it right before you die, your going to hell! Our God sent his only Son Jesus to die on cross and Resurrect for every human! We All are born into sin and without Christ YOU WILL SPEND ETERNITY IN HELL!

Jesus love us so much he died for you and me.

Repent, follow Jesus, read his Word and get Baptized into the family of God and your benefit will be Eternal Life in Heaven with our AWESOME CREATOR! THE GREAT I AM!

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Cultural Christian is itself a semantic deception of the kind so familiar in radical gibberish, such as social justice, or the committee of public safety. The trick is to take a noun which has established value and appropriate it to the cause by adding an adjective.

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Exactly. Douglas Murray is an Atheist who has Christian values. But you cannot have Christian values without Christ.

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Everyone is happy to take the benefits but want no part in the responsibilities. Whether it is Christianity or liberty (I repeat myself) the momentum of the thing will eventually slow to the point where the benefits end. We are seeing that today.

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From what is in your article I would say that Richard Dawkins is a hypocrite , either he is an atheist or he is christian he can not have it both ways picking and choosing which parts of the christian faith he wants.

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Get your felt markers out. Now go find that sign! Scratch out the word 'God', and write 'BUS'.

[This post is not encouraging vandalism, or graffiti or actions unlawful in your state or country]

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Imagine if Jesus were riding the felt tip God bus next to Billy and you? Tearing off the labels of Bud Lights.

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I find Dawkins amusing. If you listen to him talk, he tends to not realize that words actually have meaning. Case in point: “there “PROBABLY” is no God…” he nor any of the other lot can categorically prove the non existence of God. I too find it interesting that they are so offended by my acknowledgment of God and the sacrifice of his Son Jesus. If they were so convinced, why not just let me have my illusion? After all, it makes me happy right? But no, I MUST be disabused of the notion of my faith because it runs counter to his self promoting narrative. In considering it now, I think that he, Hitchens and Harris are quite insecure.

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Couldn't agree more, Sarah. Beautifully written. 🙂👍🙏

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Great analysis!

It caused me to think of the difference betweeen our constitutional republic and the democracy some are forcing upon us. A constitutional republic being a somewhat stable state ruled by the public will and consent under the overriding rules of the founding constitution vs the vicissitude of democratic majority rule subject to ever changing popular opinion.

A weak comparison I admit, but everything is weak compared to the Lord.

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Sarah Cain does not understand the atheist perspective, and is unaware of the epistemology of the atheist code of ethics (what she calls "morality"), making the usual error that without an imaginary Supreme Being - constructed by ancient mystics who believed in a flat earth - there can be no morality.

I do not know any atheists who suffer "personal distress when someone proclaimed to have the Faith." All I've seen are people who are sick and tired of self-appointed arbiters of the unseen world setting themselves up in positions of authority to dictate to the rest of us how we are to live our lives, even delving down into what thoughts we are allowed to think.

THAT is the atheist position, to the extent that there is one. Remember that atheism is merely a lack of belief; it is not a formal dogma.

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Hmmm. A flat earth? How does he know I believe in that? (I don't.)

I've seen it multiple times. Atheism is not a religion when it favors them (as in "separation of church and state" and it IS a religion in adoption of accommodations (as I saw in a college where I taught). Atheists are also self-appointed arbiters when it comes to disallowing intelligent design or possibility of a Creator. It just depends whose ox is getting gored.

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I believe there are very few atheists. they are just teasing themselves, similar to flat earthers.

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The Earth is flat in an Atlas.

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Agreement and the enforcement of that agreement is what will keep society together. The rules of Christianity are followed by few on Earth. The rules of Islam are followed by few. It is true that the rules of Christianity formed all of the fundamental laws and principles of the western world. Even the most basic laws of society are regularly broken by Americans.

There is no shunning. There is no punishment. There are no consequences for the individual who commits crimes. Only the fear of negative consequences keep some bad people in line. Murderers, rapists, and thieves are not thinking of God when committing crimes. Even as a member of a strongly moral religious group, criminals don't think of God as they do wrong.

The love of God might contribute to the desire to be good and help others. True God loving monks and priests and nuns don't even consider doing criminal acts. The same would apply to Muslims. They received training in their faith and abide in the faith because of their goodness, not because they are being restricted.

Could an atheist who loved people and not doing harm, be as good as a believer in God? I think so. They would need the training in morality and to do good things because they are good and beneficial, not out of fear of punishment after death. Those examples probably describe a tiny fraction of humanity. I was that way when I was an atheist. I have been reformed and do believe in God.

For the remainder of humanity, only enforcement of laws and the shaming of those who do break them will ever get society going right again. Even if that could be achieved, it will take a century or more beginning now, for the population of good people to be strong enough to affect the criminals enough to make the shift to a good society. Morality must be taught in schools. Logic alone can justify the reasons to be a moral person.

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You think this is why those who live “Faith” in the UK, not The Faith which is found only in The Good News are so very lost? Even converting to Islam because it doesn’t drift with the tide like “I’m spiritual, not religious” and the defense of Faith, which is defense of anything at all, not defending Truth.

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Your communication is not clear.

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That’s because it is based on The UK King’s notion that “defending faith” is the same as “defending The Faith.” These are not compatible notions and make Church of England Protestants even less connected to Christ and the Truth of Jesus originated at the foundation of the World when The Word was spoken.

This is wholly consistent with New Atheism and enabling Xi Jinping as an Emporer.

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