I was happy to read your article. I would love to support your effort, but I am 81 years old and living in a Nursing Home, and I don't have adequate funds. May God bless you to continue your work.

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Jan 16·edited Jan 16

Another great essay! I know of and read about many who identify as “christian” but who obviously want their cake and to be able to eat it as well.

This has been an issue ever since the early church where Paul especially chides many local churches in notoriously immoral and depraved cities like Corinth that they cannot continue to call themselves followers of Christ and simultaneously live like the did before being born again.

In our post-modern world far too many who claim to be “Christians” (especially millennials and Gen-Zers who have been very effectively indoctrinated as to what is “permissible” in a post-modern world) want to keep one foot firmly planted in the perverted mire of our “culture” and a toe in the Bible.

History and the Scriptures demonstrate beyond cavil that one simply cannot dance with the devil and expect to remain unscathed spiritually, morally and physically.

Excuse the mixing of metaphors.

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Yes, but there is still a long way to go. Western nations and our standards of decency have been distorted for the past 100 years. Subverted by the enemies if freedom. The situation Western Nations are experiencing is past the point of return. Thankfully the people have had enough and it is being called out for what it is. Hopefully the younger generations will see the light.

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Here is an article regarding Russell, https://www.catholic.com/magazine/online-edition/ayaan-hirsi-ali-and-negative-apologetics

It addresses the negative stain, the Graham’s test, in morality. Your article was compelling. The structure is expository while you present a synthesis. The content and thought you presented makes for a lift to a larger chart. My expectation is that you dove deep to present such a refined essay.

My first thought was to make a wry comment about your failure to understand Jungian based sex education for very young children under the Machiavellian CRT rules of public schools with transgendered bathrooms. But banal humor has no place under the gravity of the loss that is propagated by the error in the new normal ethics and the virtue signaling of the morally blind.

That grave loss is the loss of souls. There is nothing of more grave concern than this peril. When Russell wrote his piece the majority of landlords would have refused to rent to the unmarried couple he applauded. To object on such grounds, today, might land you in the gulag, be cause of your cancellation and agency to deny credit for your ESG rating.

The slope, whether claimed to be slippery or not, is that steep. But the gravity of the loss of souls makes the climb urgent. Keep digging in your cleats and moving vertical to that new domain where you lift your readers.

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Thank you for your articles. It's encouraging to read. Intelligence and reasoning such as yours cannot be refuted.

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Their immorality is speech. They say our speech is immoral.

By "us" I of course mean those not suffering from leftism or any other form of psychopathy.

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