Sad the Roman Catholic Church has lost to its lack of Morality.

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Dec 30, 2023·edited Dec 30, 2023

This would have been a great essay if it referred (even a little) to the martyrdom of real modern day “saints”—those who are born again Christians as is occurring repeatedly and increasingly in Nigeria and other places where islamists roam free doing the bloody savagery their “holy book” orders them to do. For those who haven’t studied this book and accepted the great lie that islam is a “religion of peace” like that told to us by every president in modern history, this merciless cruelty is actually the real islam. Those “moderate islamists” trotted before the cameras to support this great lie are actually regarded as “apostates” by “practicing islamists” and their “holy book” clearly says they should be murdered just like infidels. There simply can be no compromise or peaceful coexistence with islam and any appearance of that by them is pure deception to buy time until they have infiltrated their target through immigration (jihad by Hijrah) enough to impose sharia law. Their ultimate goal is a global caliphate where all apostates and infidels will be killed or enslaved, mainly to be sexually abused by islamists.

These real born again Christians who were murdered for their faith (not merely their land as the Propaganda Ministry would have us believe) stand in stark and convicting contrast to the majority of those now identifying as or playing at being “christian” by such false bases as their denominational or church affiliation or relying on false premises such as their religiosity, like those “holy days” as those mentioned, and even fervent or pious rituals as practiced by catholics and other “high church” sects and denominations.

Apostasy, as reflected in the recent actions by the marxist pope accepting all manner of perversion condemned by Scripture and the increasing accommodation of such perversion and other sin by “christian” denominations and nondenominational churches, is steadily increasing worldwide as God warned us in His Word would occur.

It would do all of us well who claim to be true spiritual followers of Christ (without regard to their denomination etc. which are irrelevant to being born again) to return to the simple Gospel without the false crust of human doctrine and ritual. Time is short—as Christ himself said , He will come as a thief in the night and chillingly that many will come to Him at the Judgment proclaiming their faithfulness by citing their religiosity, even in Jesus’ name, only to be told to depart from Him as He never knew them.

The narrow gate requires that one be born again. Are you?

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It is sad, but most Americans are cowards. Most Americans won't change even when given a compelling reason to do so. Throughout my life I have enjoyed learning about nutrition. I have come across products that cure diseases. I know of at least seven ways to cure different types of cancer. I know how to cure type 2 diabetes. I have shown direct evidence of how specific products have cured breast cancer to people. Yet they're only mildly interested and wouldn't buy the products. I've shown diabetics a product that would fix their blood sugar problems. NONE ever purchased it.

People want their misery. It gives them excuses for everything. They enjoy having such excuses. It helps them to be a victim. I stopped selling nutritional products long ago because of my experiences with Americans. The same probably goes for anybody in the western world.

The world doesn't function logically. Most humans aren't swayed by logic anymore.

A logical person would see how the democrats have ruined the USA. Yet at least half of the nation would still vote for a democrat for president if it weren't Joe Biden running. Trump will win but only because Biden has been such a disaster. At the democrat convention, the party will fabricate a reason to take all of the delegates for Biden and give them to somebody else. It will happen. Millions of democrats who would have voted for Trump will switch to their new democrat leader. It will be a difficult race.

This whole point is that those who are not following God will not begin following God. There will be no new Christians willing to die for their beliefs. There is no great logic or feel good argument that will sway those who don't believe to come to God. Let them be. Lead by example. That is the only thing that could possibly be done to persuade another to consider God.

Having conviction is probably too inconvenient for westerners. If they won't cure their diseases with simple proven products (or changing their diet), how can one expect such people to be willing to die for their love of God?

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Wonderful and true commentary!

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Well written, Sarah.

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Love listening to that lovely voice of yours spewing forth truths. Comforting.

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Sarah, please tell us which specific children “remind us of the innocent children being killed in our own society.”

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